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Buy Now, Pay At The Harvest


Deferred Payment in
Seed, Feed and Fertilizer


Reasonable price

Deferred payment

Hasfin ensures that the farmers and small producers, which we believe to be the future of our country, reach all agricultural and livestock inputs very quickly with affordable prices and tailor-made maturities, according to specific individual needs.  


Hasfin adds value to both small farmers and producers and the agricultural sector by increasing their productivity with the agricultural and livestock consultancy it offers free of charge.

Accurate and Efficient
Agriculture & Livestock Practices

Read this article for production and efficiency in agriculture and livestock.

Click for more information about the products and services we offer to farmers and small producers dealing with livestock.

If you are a local feed, seed or fertilizer dealer, click here to learn more about how being a Hasfin Sales Point will add value to you and to join our sales network

Vadeli Tohum Yem Gübre Satışı, çiftçi ve bayii el sıkışıyor
akıllı tarım, tarım ve teknoloji, teknolojik analizi anlatan görsel, toprak üzerinde teknoloji imgeleri
toprak analizi için topladığı numuneyi gösteren ziraat mühendisi

With Hasfin, it is very easy to obtain the needs such as seed, feed and fertilizer required for agriculture and livestock. Our farmers get their needs right away and pay after harvest or after the sale of the products. Thereby, they enrich both themselves and their soil.

The contribution of technology to the fields of agriculture and livestock is very high. Hasfin offers analysis and observation methods that you may not know, or that you think are very expensive, and offers them free of charge, letting you to benefit from entire technology spectrum.

It is very important for the farmers to plant the most suitable seed in the field and to use

the right fertilizer

in the right amount,

at the right time and

in the right place

in order to get more yield. Hasfin provides agricultural consultancy for maximum efficiency and provides this opportunity free of charge.

Hasfin / HST Tarım News

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From Seed Season To Harvest
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